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Island Time, I want to go back to the island

Opiniao Ilha Joana Site

If you've ever lived or spent time on an island, you've probably had the opportunity to experience what many people call "island time". I've just returned from the Azores and I'm already missing the feeling of the clock slowing down.


There are many references to "Island time" and many people are aware of the islands' charm. The most interesting thing is that the term has no connection to a physical space, i.e. it seems that this characteristic is intrinsic to life on an island, regardless of its location. It's essentially a state of mind, the pace at which we do things and time well spent.

It's easy to lose track of time when you're surrounded by a sense of tranquillity and calm. Islands can be the source of an important lesson for the modern world - how to switch off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Will we be able to import "island time" into our daily lives? How can we introduce more activities where we lose track of time into our routines?

The importance of this state of mind is not only satisfaction, but also the ability to achieve maximum productivity, which is essential for organisations and personal development.

When an individual is in a state of flow, they are able to carry out a task in immersion, feeling energy, pleasure and focus. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi developed the theory of the flow state, also known as the flow state.

When comparing the concepts, there is a zone of intersection, because essentially we are thinking about activities that bring happiness.

Some components of the flow state are the feeling of distorted time, concentration and focus on the activity, loss of the feeling of self-consciousness and the feeling that the activity itself is rewarding.

We can't always be in flow or on the "island", but how can we inspire ourselves for our routine? I'm going to use the holiday period to try and implement a set of routines. I'm going to allocate two days a week exclusively to important, challenging but satisfying tasks to try to create moments of flow. I'm going to block off more time for unscheduled, schedule-free activities.

I'm going to introduce more moments of fun, which are essential for creativity. And I'd like to dedicate at least one day a month to "living on the island", i.e. trying to spend more time contemplating the ocean, because there must be some reason why all islands have this beneficial effect on us.
If you've ever lived or spent time on an island, you've probably had the opportunity to experience what many people call "island time". I've just returned from the Azores and I'm already missing the feeling of the clock slowing down.

There are many references to "Island time" and many people are aware of the islands' charm. The most interesting thing is that the term has no connection to a physical space, i.e. it seems that this characteristic is intrinsic to life on an island, regardless of its location. It's essentially a state of mind, the pace at which we do things and time well spent.

It's easy to lose track of time when you're surrounded by a sense of tranquillity and calm. Islands can be the source of an important lesson for the modern world - how to switch off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Will we be able to import "island time" into our daily lives? How can we introduce more activities where we lose track of time into our routines?

The importance of this state of mind is not only satisfaction, but also the ability to achieve maximum productivity, which is essential for organisations and personal development.

When an individual is in a state of flow, they are able to carry out a task in immersion, feeling energy, pleasure and focus. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi developed the theory of the flow state, also known as the flow state.

When comparing the concepts, there is a zone of intersection, because essentially we are thinking about activities that bring happiness.

Some components of the flow state are the feeling of distorted time, concentration and focus on the activity, loss of the feeling of self-consciousness and the feeling that the activity itself is rewarding.

We can't always be in flow or on the "island", but how can we inspire ourselves for our routine? I'm going to use the holiday period to try and implement a set of routines. I'm going to allocate two days a week exclusively to important, challenging but satisfying tasks to try to create moments of flow. I'm going to block off more time for unscheduled, schedule-free activities.


I'm going to introduce more moments of fun, which are essential for creativity. And I'd like to dedicate at least one day a month to "living on the island", i.e. trying to spend more time contemplating the ocean, because there must be some reason why all islands have this beneficial effect on us.


Article published in Jornal Económico.

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