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Gestão Da Sustentabilidade Gestão Da Sustentabilidade

Sustainability Management

  • 16th Edition
  • October 6th, 2024 - May 2025
  • 124 h
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • 3950€
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays
O que gostaria de ver?


Develop an effective sustainability strategy across the board, offering an integrated perspective that generates added value for the company, its employees and the community.


  • Acquire, develop and consolidate knowledge in the area of sustainability, enabling professionals in these areas to respond promptly and effectively to new management challenges.

  • Provide the necessary skills and knowledge to implement an integrated sustainability strategy across the entire company

  • Promote reflection, stimulation and the development of broad management skills, increasing efficiency in the management of the entire sustainability process

  • Enable the creation of a network of contacts and the development of interpersonal skills (communication, integrity and leadership), which contribute to the effective performance of their duties

  • Develop and deepen practical skills to interpret and monitor sustainability metrics

    Sensitise and involve teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs and senior managers in the need to create and manage an integrated sustainability strategy.


To whom

  • Company directors

  • Financial managers

  • Economists


  • Engineers


  • Human resources professionals


  • Quality professionals


  • Marketing and communications professionals


  • Advertising professionals


  • Environmental journalists


  • NGO members


  • Consultants


  • Early career professionals

Programas Pgs Gestao Sustentabilidade 33

Sustainability Management

The postgraduate course meets the growing needs of private and public organisations, providing knowledge and skills that enable the creation and development of an integrated sustainability strategy, providing practical tools for its implementation and monitoring. The best student receives a prize awarded by EDP.



Experience a unique, impactful and transformative learning journey.

ISEG Executive Education is a national benchmark in postgraduate courses, which are characterised by being structuring programmes.

Iseg Financial Times Experience
Internationally recognised school
Proximidade Mercado
Proximity to the market
Peer Feedback Debates
Peer feedback and Debates
Iseg Networking Experience (1)
Iseg Diplomas Experience (1)
Diploma Award Ceremony
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Experts in the Field


Get access to knowledge, tools and real-life cases from a specialised teaching staff that combines ISEG professors with professionals with valuable market experience.


Carolina Coelho

Ainda não tinha acabado a Pós-Graduação e já estava a trabalhar na área da sustentabilidade, o que foi uma grande oportunidade!

Destaco os colegas e os professores da Pós-Graduação, uma rede de like minded people valiosa que se criou! Para além do ensino de excelência e da disponibilidade da equipa docente, toda a relação académica e administrativa com o ISEG - Executive Education sempre decorreu da melhor forma e proporcionou-me uma experiência de ensino de topo.

Carolina Coelho , Sustainability Business Partner, IKEA Portugal
Lorenzo Casagrande

Vejo a sustentabilidade como uma questão absolutamente fundamental para o nosso futuro.

Nesta Pós-Graduação encontramos este tipo de abordagem, feito de modo a compreender a situação atual da sustentabilidade a vários níveis, mostrando-nos os caminhos para atingirmos os nossos objetivos dentro deste contexto.

Lorenzo Casagrande , Verification Field Officer, United Nations
Patricia Freixo

A mais-valia sentiu-se no imediato, ao nível da qualidade do trabalho que comecei a entregar, mas também na forma de o comunicar. 

Foi fácil escolher esta Pós-Graduação, o programa continha a diversidade necessária para se abordar a este tema tão rico e tão complexo em todas as suas dimensões, e o corpo docente escolhido pela experiência em áreas profissionais realmente distintas. E recomendarei às pessoas corajosas que vierem juntar-se a mim neste compromisso que não percam a oportunidade de passar por aqui.

Patrícia Freixo , Environmental Manager, BNP Paribas Portugal
Andre Goncalves (1)

Após terminar os estudos comecei a trabalhar na área do desenvolvimento sustentável e responsabilidade social das empresas.

A Pós-Graduação permitiu-me adquirir novos conhecimentos e uma visão mais transversal da área. Para além disso, valorizo a oportunidade que tive de desenvolver conexões com colegas e professores que também ambicionam gerar uma mudança positiva no planeta. Esta PG será um bom passo para quem ambiciona desenvolver conhecimentos e redes nesta área.

André Gonçalves , Disaster Risk Comm, European Commission & Sustainability
Susana Batista

A sustentabilidade social e ambiental é, mais do que nunca, imprescindível nas organizações.

Como profissional de marketing, escolhi esta Pós-Graduação, porque acredito que é uma mais valia para desenvolver e otimizar processos de gestão, com o objetivo de criar marcas e produtos verdadeiramente sustentáveis.

Susana Batista , Responsável de Marketing, Girassol - Produtos Naturais
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Sustainability Management

  • 124 Hours
  • 7 October, 2025 a 28 April, 2026

This amount includes:

  • Access to a platform where supporting documentation will be made available in digital format
  • Welcome kit
  • Coffee-breaks
  • Reserved parking at ISEG
  • Final diploma

No. There is no fee for the submission of an application. You will only be asked to pay a registration fee to secure your place in the programme after being admitted to the Postgraduate or MBA programmes.

Attendance is not controlled for the Postgraduate Programmes. However participants are obliged to attend at least 80% of lectures of the Executive Programmes.

There are various discounts: alumni discounts, discounts for professionals covered by agreements established between ISEG Executive Education and their Employer, prompt payment discounts, and discounts contemplated in our sales policy. For further information, you should contact the Programme Advisor of the respective programme. Discounts cannot be accumulated, with the exception of prompt payment discounts.

ISEG is located in Lisbon, next to the Assembly of the Republic parliament building. It is accessible by the following public transport: Metro (Underground) - Yellow line to Rato station Buses 727 and 706; Train – get off at Santos station; and, finally, Tram No. 18. If you come by car, you can park in ISEG’s on-campus car park.

Assessments are made through individual written assessment, project and/or group work.

Applications should be submitted by filling in the online form on the respective page of each programme. The following documents are required: an updated CV and/or link to the applicant’s Linkedin page. On average the decision of the coordination team takes 8 to 15 working days after the submission of the complete documentation.

Yes, participants may use the library as well as the ISEG's Computer Room for that purpose.

Certificação DGERT

Nuno Matos

More information

Contact our Programme Advisor for further information and advice.