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Joana Santos Silva Site Voltar

Joana Santos Silva

Director of Innovation at ISEG Executive Education. Professor of Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing and Digital Marketing.


ISEG MBA Executive Director and Director of Innovation at ISEG Executive Education.


Advisor to the Presidency of ISEG for Strategic Development. Professor of Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing and Digital Marketing. PhDc in Management with Specialization in Strategy. MBA from Católica-Nova and Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Coimbra. Graduated from the Kellogg School of Management. She served as Member of Management as Senior Director for Strategy and Advancement at CATOLICA-LISBON. Director of Executive Training programs in the areas of strategic management, marketing, commercial management and in the health area. Member of the Board of Make-a-Wish Portugal. She was distinguished with the Dona Antónia Adelaide Ferreira award, which annually rewards a Portuguese woman who has stood out for her entrepreneurial spirit and management skills. She has held Research & Development, Strategic Marketing & Planning and Business Development roles in the pharmaceutical industry.